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Welcome to NwSFA!
(Formerly NwRSA)

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UPDATE $25 discount for NwSFA members! 
If you are considering attending, please register now to ensure that Conference will take place.

ANWG Pre-Registration Now Open 

Pre-registration is open for the Association of Northwest Weavers Guild Conference,
June 16-21, 2025 in Yakima.

There are 2 spaces left for the FREE Learning to Weave class!
Attendees must be nominated - here is the nomination form.

This is the Northwest fiber event of the year, with a long history of excellence.
There are MANY classes and seminars being offered, on weaving and much, much more!

Mark your calendars, and budget for an inspiring and informative conference week, designed for weavers and spinners of all interests and abilities.

For more information, visit
See you there!

Do You Live in Idaho, Montana or Outside an Active Area?

We don't currently have active Area Directors in Idaho and Montana and the areas in Oregon and Washington are too large for some of you to enjoy attending a local group. We would love to support you in creating a community of spinners and fiber artists where you live.  If you are interested, send and email to and one of our officers will get you connected to an Area Director to provide guidance and support. 

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Do You Need Help to Spin Fiber into Yarn? 

If you have acquired some fiber that you would really like to have spun into yarn but you don't spin, then you have come to the right place. We have several handspinners in our community who are willing to spin for others. Send your details (the fiber type, how much you have in ounces/lbs, and condition of the fiber) to: and we will forward your email to those in our association who would love to accommodate!

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Do you love Fiber? Consider Joining Us!

Do You Love Fiber? Consider Joining Us! The Northwest Spinners and Fiber Arts Association is a 501(c3) non-profit organization providing a network of western states promoting a fiber arts community and a communication network.  We are here to help each other build our spinning techniques, materials processing, dyeing and other skills in the fiber arts. Although focused on the Northwest, we welcome all who would like to join.  If you aren't a member yet, consider joining. Check out what is available to our members by going to the About menu item and check out Membership Benefits, Or consider joining our mailing list for general notifications.